Teacher Times Tables #3
“Times Tables proves to be very effective for memorization. The pace is very nice, and I think it is important that this tool helps with learning fast and effectively. It is a useful practice method”
Student #4
“Immunopharmacology is about learning factual information: learning about cells and their function. Learning these facts with MemoryLab is important for understanding the whole.”
Teacher Times Tables #2
“Times Tables proves to be very effective for memorization. The pace is very nice, and I think it is important that this tool helps with learning fast and effectively. It is a useful practice method”
Teacher Times Tables #1
“The students find Times Tables very enjoyable and are enthusiastic. They perceive this learning method as highly challenging but in a positive manner.”

“I think MemoryLab is a very nice method for students to learn. Not only because they learn the words or facts they have to learn but they also learn what learning is.”
High school student

“I use a lot for geography and history, for the concepts and I use it a lot for learning German and French words. I did see in my grades, they went form a 7 to a 9 very quickly after I started using it.”
Student #3
“In this course we had to learn a lot of facts. With MemoryLab it was fun and easy.”
Student #2
“Because the system measures which questions you find difficult to remember, MemoryLab is a great way to learn facts. It made studying for lectures a lot easier.”
Student #1
“Very fun and easy to practice with”