Student #4

“Immunopharmacology is about learning factual information: learning about cells and their function. Learning these facts with MemoryLab is important for understanding the whole.”

Raphael Stadelmann

“Swiss students love using VocaTrainer with MemoryLab, finding it engaging and effective. Teachers appreciate the detailed insights MemoryLab provides about student progress, and significant improvements in learning have been observed. The application is also easy to handle and navigate.”

Student #3

“In this course we had to learn a lot of facts. With MemoryLab it was fun and easy.”

Student #2

“Because the system measures which questions you find difficult to remember, MemoryLab is a great way to learn facts. It made studying for lectures a lot easier.”

Student #1

“Very fun and easy to practice with”

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Researcher at MemoryLab

Thomas Wilschut

Researcher & Partnership Coordinator


Anais Capik

Project Coordinator

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