
“I think MemoryLab is a very nice method for students to learn. Not only because they learn the words or facts they have to learn but they also learn what learning is.”

Raphael Stadelmann

“Swiss students love using VocaTrainer with MemoryLab, finding it engaging and effective. Teachers appreciate the detailed insights MemoryLab provides about student progress, and significant improvements in learning have been observed. The application is also easy to handle and navigate.”

Shirley Steinvoort #1

“MemoryLab is a very efficient way for us to let students build a good knowledge foundation. They are done once they have learned what they need to learn. That saves time, which is a really big motivation factor for students.”

High school student

“I use a lot for geography and history, for the concepts and I use it a lot for learning German and French words. I did see in my grades, they went form a 7 to a 9 very quickly after I started using it.”

prof dr. Hedderik van Rijn

“The problem with traditional learning methods is that they constantly rehearse everything, even the facts that you already know well. You don’t learn much from that. The crux lies in repeating facts at the right time that we can’t just call up. That’s why you learn from it. And that’s exactly what MemoryLab does.”​

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Researcher at MemoryLab

Thomas Wilschut

Researcher & Partnership Coordinator


Anais Capik

Project Coordinator

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