
“I think MemoryLab is a very nice method for students to learn. Not only because they learn the words or facts they have to learn but they also learn what learning is.”

Shirley Steinvoort #2

“We were searching for a way for learners to learn topography in a more efficient way.
MemoryLab turned out to be a very good solution for that. Every month about 150000 students use MemoryLab witin our methods.”

Shirley Steinvoort #1

“MemoryLab is a very efficient way for us to let students build a good knowledge foundation. They are done once they have learned what they need to learn. That saves time, which is a really big motivation factor for students.”

High school student

“I use a lot for geography and history, for the concepts and I use it a lot for learning German and French words. I did see in my grades, they went form a 7 to a 9 very quickly after I started using it.”

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Researcher at MemoryLab

Thomas Wilschut

Researcher & Partnership Coordinator


Anais Capik

Project Coordinator

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