Second Year in a Row! Computational Model Wins Applied Modeling Award

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Thomas Wilschut and mentor Hedderik van Rijn have been awarded the Applied Modeling Award at the Cognitive Science Conference—marking a two-year streak for MemoryLab Health’s computational model.

This study focused on enhancing the application of the model to diverse populations. Wilschut compared the performance of users with dyslexia to that of typical users under both typing-based and speech-based response conditions. The findings revealed that typical users outperformed users with dyslexia when responding by typing, but this difference was significantly reduced when speech-based responses were allowed.

These results highlight the versatility of the model and its potential to support more inclusive approaches to memory assessment.

Read the full paper: Modality Matters: Evidence for the Benefits of Speech-Based Adaptive Retrieval Practice in Learners with Dyslexia

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Researcher at MemoryLab

Thomas Wilschut

Researcher & Partnership Coordinator


Anais Capik

Project Coordinator

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