Neurological Disorders


Washington, USA

Target group:

Patients with neurological disorders

Use case:

The Garvey Center for Neuromodulation focuses on memory disorders in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, transient global amnesia, and treatment-resistant depression. These disorders share two key challenges: unclear underlying mechanisms and the need for long-term monitoring. Using the SGMA Index as a memory metric, the center is piloting deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (deep TMS) effects on the hippocampus.


tms chair

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Researcher at MemoryLab


Researcher & Partnership Coordinator

Looking for support?

Connect with our dedicated research team—we’re ready to assist you!


Anais Capik

Project Coordinator

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Researcher at MemoryLab

Thomas Wilschut

Researcher & Partnership Coordinator


Anais Capik

Project Coordinator

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